Nexus at Synology NAS
Why NAS and backup?
There are two types of people :
People who do backup
People who will start doing backup
But NAS can be used not only for backups, it can be used for the local repository. Of course, there are online services where you can store your code and libs for free but why not try to set it locally? I'm using Synology DS920+ and on this device, I'll perform the next steps.
Install Docker on NAS
Login to NAS and go to Package Center. Search for Docker and install.
Download Nexus Image
Open the Docker app and go to the Registry tab. Search for: sonatype/nexus3 Click the Download button and choose latest version. Wait till it will be downloaded from the registry. More about this image can be found at the docker hub.
Run a container with Nexus
Go to Image tab, select nexus image and press Launch.
Choose a network and press Next
Set your container name and check Enable auto-restart
Go to Advanced Settings and set Variables with Values:
Go to the next page with Port Settings and keep Container Port - 8091. You can set the Local Port or leave it empty and docker will set a random port.
In the next section, Volume Settings choose Add Folder. Point your NAS folder and set /nexus-data in the Mount path.
The next page is a Summary. Check if everything is fine and press Done.
After all, those steps container should be up and running. If you need more details about it (like the assigned port) just double-click on the nexus container.
How to connect to Nexus on NAS
Nexus GUI is avaiable at location: http://<your-local-nas-ip>:<nexus-container-port>/nexus/